An early reprint of "THE WONDERLAND POSTAGE-STAMP CASE", consisting of the illustrated folder with the illustration of Alice with the Duchess' baby on one side and the publisher's imprint, the illustration of the Cheshire cat over '(Post Free, 13d) Price One Shilling.' The second part of this group is the the linen-backed folded card of the stamp case with Alice and the piglet and the Cheshire cat's smile on the exterior and with 12 stitched pockets each bearing a stamp value under the opening, the numbers being the only printing on the interior. With 'Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writing by Lewis Carroll', (39pp) containing undated publisher's advertisements, in particular Chatto & Windus's publication of Carroll's 1884 lecture "Feeding the Mind," which first appeared in print in 1907; and the original envelope with printed description 'The "Wonderland" Postage-Stamp-Case.' Some fading and wear to envelope but all else in excellent condition.